OPeNDAP Data Access Form for AIRS.2019.09.14.151.L1B.AIRS_Rad.v5.0.23.0.G19258112204.hdf
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OPeNDAP Data Access Form

dataset: AIRS.2019.09.14.151.L1B.AIRS_Rad.v5.0.23.0.G19258112204.hdf

  • coremetadata
              • LOCALGRANULEID
                • NUM_VAL: 1
                • VALUE: "AIRS.2019.09.14.151.L1B.AIRS_Rad.v5.0.23.0.G19258112204.hdf"
                • NUM_VAL: 1
                • VALUE: "2019-09-15T15:22:05.000Z"
              • DAYNIGHTFLAG
                • NUM_VAL: 1
                • VALUE: "Night"
              • LOCALVERSIONID
                • NUM_VAL: 1
                • VALUE: "Unspecified"
                • CLASS: "1"
                  • QAFLAGS
                    • CLASS: "1"
                        • NUM_VAL: 1
                        • CLASS: "1"
                        • VALUE: "Based on percentage of product that is good. Suspect used where true quality is not known."
                      • AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG
                        • NUM_VAL: 1
                        • CLASS: "1"
                        • VALUE: "Passed"
                  • QASTATS
                    • CLASS: "1"
                      • QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA
                        • NUM_VAL: 1
                        • CLASS: "1"
                        • VALUE: 0
                  • PARAMETERNAME
                    • CLASS: "1"
                    • NUM_VAL: 1
                    • VALUE: "InfraRed Radiances"
                • CLASS: "1"
                  • STARTORBITNUMBER
                    • CLASS: "1"
                    • NUM_VAL: 1
                    • VALUE: 92361
                  • EQUATORCROSSINGDATE
                    • CLASS: "1"
                    • NUM_VAL: 1
                    • VALUE: "2019-09-14"
                  • EQUATORCROSSINGTIME
                    • CLASS: "1"
                    • NUM_VAL: 1
                    • VALUE: "14:57:35.106843Z"
                    • CLASS: "1"
                    • NUM_VAL: 1
                    • VALUE: 159.506500244141
                  • STOPORBITNUMBER
                    • CLASS: "1"
                    • NUM_VAL: 1
                    • VALUE: 92361
              • VERSIONID
                • NUM_VAL: 1
                • VALUE: 5
              • SHORTNAME
                • NUM_VAL: 1
                • VALUE: "AIRIBRAD"
          • INPUTGRANULE
              • INPUTPOINTER
                • NUM_VAL: 50
                • VALUE: "LGID:AIRIACAL:005:AIRS.2019.09.14.150.L1A.AIRS_Calib.v5.0.0.0.G19258111124.hdf", "LGID:AIRIACAL:005:AIRS.2019.09.14.151.L1A.AIRS_Calib.v5.0.0.0.G19258111227.hdf", "LGID:AIRIACAL:005:AIRS.2019.09.14.152.L1A.AIRS_Calib.v5.0.0.0.G19258111507.hdf", " LGID:AIRIASCI:005:AIRS.2019.09.14.151.L1A.AIRS_Scene.v5.0.0.0.G19258111227.hdf", "L1B.airs_cfg.2002.08.30.v9.6.0.anc", "L1B.airs_cfg.2002.09.17.v9.6.0.anc", "L1B.airs_cfg.2002.10.22.v9.6.0.anc", "L1B.airs_cfg.2003.01.10.v9.6.0.anc", "L1B.airs_cfg.2003.11.19.v9.6.0.anc", " L1B.airs_cfg.2005.03.01.v9.6.0.anc", "L1B.airs_cfg.2012.01.21.v9.6.2.anc", "L1B.airs_cfg.2012.07.01.v9.6.2.anc", "L1B.airs_cfg.2013.06.10.v9.6.2.anc", "L1B.airs_cfg.2015.03.23.v9.6.2.anc", "L1B.airs_focal_plane_map.v1.5.0.anc", "L1B.spectral_feature.v2.0.0.anc", " L1B.non_linear_corr.v2.0.0.anc", "L1B.polarization_corr.v1.1.0.anc", "L1B.airs_qa.2002.05.04.v9.0.0.anc", "L1B.airs_qa.2002.07.09.v9.0.0.anc", "L1B.airs_qa.2002.08.30.v9.0.0.anc", "L1B.airs_qa.2002.09.17.v9.0.0.anc", "L1B.airs_qa.2002.10.22.v9.0.0.anc", " L1B.airs_qa.2003.01.10.v9.0.0.anc", "L2.chan_prop.2002.08.30.v9.5.1.anc", "L2.chan_prop.2002.09.17.v9.5.1.anc", "L2.chan_prop.2002.10.22.v9.5.1.anc", "L2.chan_prop.2003.01.10.v9.5.1.anc", "L2.chan_prop.2003.11.19.v9.5.1.anc", "L2.chan_prop.2005.03.01.v9.5.1.anc", " L2.chan_prop.2012.01.21.v9.5.3.anc", "L2.chan_prop.2012.07.01.v9.5.3.anc", "L2.chan_prop.2013.06.10.v9.5.3.anc", "L2.chan_prop.2015.03.23.v9.5.3.anc"
                  • BOUNDINGRECTANGLE
                      • EASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE
                        • NUM_VAL: 1
                        • VALUE: 162.171997070312
                      • WESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE
                        • NUM_VAL: 1
                        • VALUE: 134.337295532227
                      • SOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE
                        • NUM_VAL: 1
                        • VALUE: -51.1471672058105
                      • NORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE
                        • NUM_VAL: 1
                        • VALUE: -27.2454948425293
              • RANGEENDINGDATE
                • NUM_VAL: 1
                • VALUE: "2019-09-14"
              • RANGEENDINGTIME
                • NUM_VAL: 1
                • VALUE: "15:11:20.999999Z"
                • NUM_VAL: 1
                • VALUE: "2019-09-14"
                • NUM_VAL: 1
                • VALUE: "15:05:21.000000Z"
              • PGEVERSION
                • NUM_VAL: 1
                • VALUE: ""
                • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17"
                    • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17"
                    • NUM_VAL: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
                    • VALUE: "M1a Detector Array", "M1b Detector Array", "M2a Detector Array", "M2b Detector Array", "M3 Detector Array", "M4a Detector Array", "M4b Detector Array", "M4c Detector Array", "M4d Detector Array", "M5 Detector Array", "M6 Detector Array", "M7 Detector Array", "M8 Detector Array", "M9 Detector Array", "M10 Detector Array", "M11 Detector Array", "M12 Detector Array"
                    • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17"
                    • NUM_VAL: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
                    • VALUE: "Aqua", "Aqua", "Aqua", "Aqua", "Aqua", "Aqua", "Aqua", "Aqua", "Aqua", "Aqua", "Aqua", "Aqua", "Aqua", "Aqua", "Aqua", "Aqua", "Aqua"
                  • OPERATIONMODE
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                    • NUM_VAL: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
                    • VALUE: "Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "Normal", "Normal"
                    • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17"
                    • NUM_VAL: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
                    • VALUE: "AIRS", "AIRS", "AIRS", "AIRS", "AIRS", "AIRS", "AIRS", "AIRS", "AIRS", "AIRS", "AIRS", "AIRS", "AIRS", "AIRS", "AIRS", "AIRS", "AIRS"
                • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39"
                    • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39"
                    • NUM_VAL: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
                    • VALUE: "NumBadData", "NumSpecialData", "NumProcessData", "NumMissingData", "NumTotalData", "NumLandSurface", "NumOceanSurface", "NumFpe", "ScanLineCount", "AIRSGranuleNumber", "OrbitPath", "SP_STARTING_PATH", "SP_STARTING_ROW", "SP_ENDING_ROW", "NumGeoQA", "NumSunGlint", "LonGranuleCen", "LatGranuleCen", "LocTimeGranuleCen", "NodeType", "DCRCount", "PopCount", "AIRSMode", "PercentHighContrast", "NumBadIRScans", "NumBadIROffsetChans", "NumBadIRGainChans", "NumBadIRSpecChans", "NumIRPopChans", "NumBadIRSceneChans", "NumHighNoiseIRChans", "NumBadAIRSTelemChans", "NumSaturatedFOVs", "NumUnderflowFOVs", "NumCalFOVsOutOfBounds", "NumSO2FOVs", "ProductGenerationFacility", "AIRSRunTag", "ProductGenerationHostInformation"
                  • INFORMATIONCONTENT
                    • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39"
                      • PARAMETERVALUE
                        • NUM_VAL: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
                        • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39"
                        • VALUE: "0", "0", "12150", "0", "12150", "2900", "8957", "0", "135", "151", "89", "89", "81", "96", "1", "0", "150", "-39", "73", "Descending", "0", "604", "Operate", "35.59", "135", "0", "0", "0", "43", "1", "63", "0", "0", "402", "44", "0", "G", "19258112204", " Linux 2.6.32-754.18.2.el6.x86_64 #1_SMP_Wed_Aug_14_16:26:59_UTC_2019 x86_64"
    • HDFEOSVersion: HDFEOS_V2.18
  • L1B_AIRS_Science
    • SWATH_TITLE__: L1B_AIRS_Science
    • processing_level: level1B
    • instrument: AIRS
    • DayNightFlag: Night
    • AutomaticQAFlag: Passed
    • NumTotalData: 12150
    • NumProcessData: 12150
    • NumSpecialData: 0
    • NumBadData: 0
    • NumMissingData: 0
    • NumLandSurface: 2900
    • NumOceanSurface: 8957
    • node_type: Descending
    • start_year: 2019
    • start_month: 9
    • start_day: 14
    • start_hour: 15
    • start_minute: 5
    • start_sec: 21.00000000
    • start_orbit: 92361
    • end_orbit: 92361
    • orbit_path: 89
    • start_orbit_row: 81
    • end_orbit_row: 96
    • granule_number: 151
    • num_scansets: 45
    • num_scanlines: 135
    • start_Latitude: -28.771644731201331
    • start_Longitude: 152.99858411682695
    • start_Time: 842627131.00000000
    • end_Latitude: -50.060442808014692
    • end_Longitude: 146.16089057899589
    • end_Time: 842627490.99999905
    • eq_x_longitude: 159.5065002
    • eq_x_tai: 842626655.10684395
    • orbitgeoqa: 262144
    • num_satgeoqa: 0
    • num_glintgeoqa: 135
    • num_moongeoqa: 0
    • num_ftptgeoqa: 0
    • num_zengeoqa: 0
    • num_demgeoqa: 0
    • num_fpe: 0
    • LonGranuleCen: 150
    • LatGranuleCen: -39
    • LocTimeGranuleCen: 73
    • CalGranSummary: 152
    • DCR_scan: 0
    • input_bb_temp_min: 308.1791687
    • input_bb_temp_max: 308.1835022
    • input_bb_temp_mean: 308.1834717
    • input_bb_temp_dev: 0.0003729012387
    • input_bb_temp_num_in: 135
    • input_bb_temp_num_lo: 0
    • input_bb_temp_num_hi: 0
    • input_bb_temp_num_bad: 0
    • input_bb_temp_range_min: 307.1000061
    • input_bb_temp_range_max: 308.3999939
    • input_bb_temp_missing: 0
    • input_bb_temp_max_track: 1
    • input_bb_temp_max_xtrack: 0
    • input_bb_temp_min_track: 61
    • input_bb_temp_min_xtrack: 0
    • input_bb_temp1_min: 307.9148560
    • input_bb_temp1_max: 307.9148560
    • input_bb_temp1_mean: 307.9148560
    • input_bb_temp1_dev: 0.000000000
    • input_bb_temp1_num_in: 135
    • input_bb_temp1_num_lo: 0
    • input_bb_temp1_num_hi: 0
    • input_bb_temp1_num_bad: 0
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    • input_bb_temp1_range_max: 308.3999939
    • input_bb_temp1_missing: 0
    • input_bb_temp1_max_track: 1
    • input_bb_temp1_max_xtrack: 0
    • input_bb_temp1_min_track: 1
    • input_bb_temp1_min_xtrack: 0
    • input_bb_temp2_min: 307.8795776
    • input_bb_temp2_max: 307.8892212
    • input_bb_temp2_mean: 307.8891602
    • input_bb_temp2_dev: 0.0008299850160
    • input_bb_temp2_num_in: 135
    • input_bb_temp2_num_lo: 0
    • input_bb_temp2_num_hi: 0
    • input_bb_temp2_num_bad: 0
    • input_bb_temp2_range_min: 307.1000061
    • input_bb_temp2_range_max: 308.3999939
    • input_bb_temp2_missing: 0
    • input_bb_temp2_max_track: 1
    • input_bb_temp2_max_xtrack: 0
    • input_bb_temp2_min_track: 61
    • input_bb_temp2_min_xtrack: 0
    • input_bb_temp3_min: 307.7354736
    • input_bb_temp3_max: 307.7354736
    • input_bb_temp3_mean: 307.7354736
    • input_bb_temp3_dev: 0.000000000
    • input_bb_temp3_num_in: 135
    • input_bb_temp3_num_lo: 0
    • input_bb_temp3_num_hi: 0
    • input_bb_temp3_num_bad: 0
    • input_bb_temp3_range_min: 307.1000061
    • input_bb_temp3_range_max: 308.3999939
    • input_bb_temp3_missing: 0
    • input_bb_temp3_max_track: 1
    • input_bb_temp3_max_xtrack: 0
    • input_bb_temp3_min_track: 1
    • input_bb_temp3_min_xtrack: 0
    • input_bb_temp4_min: 307.5474243
    • input_bb_temp4_max: 307.5474243
    • input_bb_temp4_mean: 307.5474243
    • input_bb_temp4_dev: 0.000000000
    • input_bb_temp4_num_in: 135
    • input_bb_temp4_num_lo: 0
    • input_bb_temp4_num_hi: 0
    • input_bb_temp4_num_bad: 0
    • input_bb_temp4_range_min: 307.1000061
    • input_bb_temp4_range_max: 308.3999939
    • input_bb_temp4_missing: 0
    • input_bb_temp4_max_track: 1
    • input_bb_temp4_max_xtrack: 0
    • input_bb_temp4_min_track: 1
    • input_bb_temp4_min_xtrack: 0
    • input_spec_temp_min: 156.6216736
    • input_spec_temp_max: 156.6873627
    • input_spec_temp_mean: 156.6416168
    • input_spec_temp_dev: 0.03032004088
    • input_spec_temp_num_in: 135
    • input_spec_temp_num_lo: 0
    • input_spec_temp_num_hi: 0
    • input_spec_temp_num_bad: 0
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    • input_spec_temp_range_max: 175.0000000
    • input_spec_temp_missing: 0
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    • input_spec_temp_min_track: 1
    • input_spec_temp_min_xtrack: 0
    • input_ir_det_temp_min: 58.11840057
    • input_ir_det_temp_max: 58.13063812
    • input_ir_det_temp_mean: 58.12982178
    • input_ir_det_temp_dev: 0.002456796821
    • input_ir_det_temp_num_in: 135
    • input_ir_det_temp_num_lo: 0
    • input_ir_det_temp_num_hi: 0
    • input_ir_det_temp_num_bad: 0
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    • input_ir_det_temp_range_max: 80.00000000
    • input_ir_det_temp_missing: 0
    • input_ir_det_temp_max_track: 3
    • input_ir_det_temp_max_xtrack: 0
    • input_ir_det_temp_min_track: 1
    • input_ir_det_temp_min_xtrack: 0
    • input_grating_temp_1_min: 156.7382355
    • input_grating_temp_1_max: 156.7489471
    • input_grating_temp_1_mean: 156.7396698
    • input_grating_temp_1_dev: 0.003654818051
    • input_grating_temp_1_num_in: 135
    • input_grating_temp_1_num_lo: 0
    • input_grating_temp_1_num_hi: 0
    • input_grating_temp_1_num_bad: 0
    • input_grating_temp_1_range_min: 147.1000061
    • input_grating_temp_1_range_max: 175.0000000
    • input_grating_temp_1_missing: 0
    • input_grating_temp_1_max_track: 15
    • input_grating_temp_1_max_xtrack: 0
    • input_grating_temp_1_min_track: 1
    • input_grating_temp_1_min_xtrack: 0
    • input_grating_temp_2_min: 156.8908844
    • input_grating_temp_2_max: 156.9028778
    • input_grating_temp_2_mean: 156.8909760
    • input_grating_temp_2_dev: 0.001032188651
    • input_grating_temp_2_num_in: 135
    • input_grating_temp_2_num_lo: 0
    • input_grating_temp_2_num_hi: 0
    • input_grating_temp_2_num_bad: 0
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    • input_grating_temp_2_range_max: 175.0000000
    • input_grating_temp_2_missing: 0
    • input_grating_temp_2_max_track: 40
    • input_grating_temp_2_max_xtrack: 0
    • input_grating_temp_2_min_track: 1
    • input_grating_temp_2_min_xtrack: 0
    • input_entr_filt_temp_min: 156.3617706
    • input_entr_filt_temp_max: 156.3617706
    • input_entr_filt_temp_mean: 156.3617706
    • input_entr_filt_temp_dev: 0.000000000
    • input_entr_filt_temp_num_in: 135
    • input_entr_filt_temp_num_lo: 0
    • input_entr_filt_temp_num_hi: 0
    • input_entr_filt_temp_num_bad: 0
    • input_entr_filt_temp_range_min: 147.1000061
    • input_entr_filt_temp_range_max: 175.0000000
    • input_entr_filt_temp_missing: 0
    • input_entr_filt_temp_max_track: 1
    • input_entr_filt_temp_max_xtrack: 0
    • input_entr_filt_temp_min_track: 1
    • input_entr_filt_temp_min_xtrack: 0
    • input_opt_bench_temp_2_min: 156.7586365
    • input_opt_bench_temp_2_max: 156.7586365
    • input_opt_bench_temp_2_mean: 156.7586365
    • input_opt_bench_temp_2_dev: 0.000000000
    • input_opt_bench_temp_2_num_in: 135
    • input_opt_bench_temp_2_num_lo: 0
    • input_opt_bench_temp_2_num_hi: 0
    • input_opt_bench_temp_2_num_bad: 0
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    • input_opt_bench_temp_2_range_max: 175.0000000
    • input_opt_bench_temp_2_missing: 0
    • input_opt_bench_temp_2_max_track: 1
    • input_opt_bench_temp_2_max_xtrack: 0
    • input_opt_bench_temp_2_min_track: 1
    • input_opt_bench_temp_2_min_xtrack: 0
    • input_opt_bench_temp_3_min: 157.7492218
    • input_opt_bench_temp_3_max: 157.7492218
    • input_opt_bench_temp_3_mean: 157.7492218
    • input_opt_bench_temp_3_dev: 0.000000000
    • input_opt_bench_temp_3_num_in: 135
    • input_opt_bench_temp_3_num_lo: 0
    • input_opt_bench_temp_3_num_hi: 0
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    • input_opt_bench_temp_3_range_max: 175.0000000
    • input_opt_bench_temp_3_missing: 0
    • input_opt_bench_temp_3_max_track: 1
    • input_opt_bench_temp_3_max_xtrack: 0
    • input_opt_bench_temp_3_min_track: 1
    • input_opt_bench_temp_3_min_xtrack: 0
    • input_scan_mirror_temp_min: 260.5366821
    • input_scan_mirror_temp_max: 260.5843506
    • input_scan_mirror_temp_mean: 260.5592957
    • input_scan_mirror_temp_dev: 0.01848910935
    • input_scan_mirror_temp_num_in: 135
    • input_scan_mirror_temp_num_lo: 0
    • input_scan_mirror_temp_num_hi: 0
    • input_scan_mirror_temp_num_bad: 0
    • input_scan_mirror_temp_range_min: 248.8000031
    • input_scan_mirror_temp_range_max: 269.2000122
    • input_scan_mirror_temp_missing: 0
    • input_scan_mirror_temp_max_track: 1
    • input_scan_mirror_temp_max_xtrack: 0
    • input_scan_mirror_temp_min_track: 84
    • input_scan_mirror_temp_min_xtrack: 0
    • input_chopper_phase_err_min: -0.1733060479
    • input_chopper_phase_err_max: 0.1811773926
    • input_chopper_phase_err_mean: -0.01529104076
    • input_chopper_phase_err_dev: 0.06406699121
    • input_chopper_phase_err_num_in: 135
    • input_chopper_phase_err_num_lo: 0
    • input_chopper_phase_err_num_hi: 0
    • input_chopper_phase_err_num_bad: 0
    • input_chopper_phase_err_range_min: -3.000000000
    • input_chopper_phase_err_range_max: 3.000000000
    • input_chopper_phase_err_missing: 0
    • input_chopper_phase_err_max_track: 108
    • input_chopper_phase_err_max_xtrack: 0
    • input_chopper_phase_err_min_track: 123
    • input_chopper_phase_err_min_xtrack: 0
    • PopCount: 604
    • NumRefChannels: 51
    • Rdiff_swindow_M1a_chan: 2280
    • Rdiff_swindow_M2a_chan: 2252
    • Rdiff_lwindow_M8_chan: 617
    • Rdiff_lwindow_M9_chan: 606
    • CF_Version: CF-972
    • NumSaturatedFOVs: 0
    • NumUnderflowFOVs: 402
    • NumCalFOVsOutOfBounds: 44
    • NumSO2FOVs: 0
    • granules_present: All
    • spectral_TAI: 842627489.72371399
    • spec_shift_upwell: -13.56782913
    • spec_shift_unc_upwell: -1.000000000
    • spec_fl_upwell: 226445.9531
    • spec_fl_unc_upwell: 0.006214087829
    • SpectralFeaturesUpwell: 34
    • spec_iter_upwell: 73
    • spec_clim_select: 1
    • spec_shift_pary: 32.45743561
    • spec_shift_unc_pary: 0.02284403518
    • spec_fl_pary: 226511.3125
    • spec_fl_unc_pary: 0.7023381591
    • SpectralFeaturesPary: 13
    • spec_iter_pary: 73
    • DCRCount: 0

radiances[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude CalChanSummary
    • long_name: radiances
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
scanang[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: scanang
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
satheight[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: satheight
satroll[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: satroll
satpitch[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: satpitch
satyaw[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: satyaw
satgeoqa[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is UInt32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: satgeoqa
glintgeoqa[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: glintgeoqa
moongeoqa[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: moongeoqa
ftptgeoqa[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is UInt32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: ftptgeoqa
    • _FillValue: 4294967295
zengeoqa[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: zengeoqa
    • _FillValue: 65534
demgeoqa[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: demgeoqa
    • _FillValue: 65534
nadirTAI[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: nadirTAI
sat_lat[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: sat_lat
sat_lon[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: sat_lon
scan_node_type[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: scan_node_type
satzen[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: satzen
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
satazi[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: satazi
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
solzen[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: solzen
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
solazi[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: solazi
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
glintlat[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: glintlat
glintlon[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: glintlon
sun_glint_distance[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: sun_glint_distance
    • _FillValue: -9999
topog[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: topog
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
topog_err[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: topog_err
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
landFrac[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: landFrac
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
landFrac_err[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: landFrac_err
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
state[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: state
    • _FillValue: -9999
CalChanSummary[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • long_name: CalChanSummary
ExcludedChans[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: ExcludedChans
CalScanSummary[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: CalScanSummary
CalFlag[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude CalChanSummary
    • long_name: CalFlag
    • _FillValue: 255
SpaceViewDelta[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude CalChanSummary
    • long_name: SpaceViewDelta
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
NeN[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: NeN
input_scene_counts_min[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_scene_counts.min
input_scene_counts_max[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_scene_counts.max
input_scene_counts_mean[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_scene_counts.mean
input_scene_counts_dev[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name:
input_scene_counts_num_in[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_scene_counts.num_in
input_scene_counts_num_lo[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_scene_counts.num_lo
input_scene_counts_num_hi[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_scene_counts.num_hi
input_scene_counts_num_bad[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_scene_counts.num_bad
input_scene_counts_range_min[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_scene_counts.range_min
input_scene_counts_range_max[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_scene_counts.range_max
input_scene_counts_missing[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_scene_counts.missing
input_scene_counts_max_track[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_scene_counts.max_track
input_scene_counts_max_xtrack[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_scene_counts.max_xtrack
input_scene_counts_min_track[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_scene_counts.min_track
input_scene_counts_min_xtrack[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_scene_counts.min_xtrack
input_space_counts_min[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_counts.min
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
input_space_counts_max[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_counts.max
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
input_space_counts_mean[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_counts.mean
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
input_space_counts_dev[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name:
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
input_space_counts_num_in[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_counts.num_in
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_counts_num_lo[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_counts.num_lo
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_counts_num_hi[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_counts.num_hi
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_counts_num_bad[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_counts.num_bad
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_counts_range_min[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_counts.range_min
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
input_space_counts_range_max[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_counts.range_max
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
input_space_counts_missing[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_counts.missing
input_space_counts_max_track[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_counts.max_track
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_counts_max_xtrack[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_counts.max_xtrack
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_counts_min_track[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_counts.min_track
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_counts_min_xtrack[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_counts.min_xtrack
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_signals_min[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_signals.min
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
input_space_signals_max[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_signals.max
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
input_space_signals_mean[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_signals.mean
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
input_space_signals_dev[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name:
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
input_space_signals_num_in[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_signals.num_in
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_signals_num_lo[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_signals.num_lo
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_signals_num_hi[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_signals.num_hi
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_signals_num_bad[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_signals.num_bad
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_signals_range_min[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_signals.range_min
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
input_space_signals_range_max[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_signals.range_max
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
input_space_signals_missing[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_signals.missing
input_space_signals_max_track[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_signals.max_track
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_signals_max_xtrack[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_signals.max_xtrack
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_signals_min_track[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_signals.min_track
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_signals_min_xtrack[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_signals.min_xtrack
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_diffs_min[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_diffs.min
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
input_space_diffs_max[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_diffs.max
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
input_space_diffs_mean[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_diffs.mean
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
input_space_diffs_dev[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name:
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
input_space_diffs_num[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_diffs.num
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_diffs_num_bad[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_diffs.num_bad
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_diffs_max_track[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_diffs.max_track
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_diffs_max_xtrack[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_diffs.max_xtrack
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_diffs_min_track[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_diffs.min_track
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_space_diffs_min_xtrack[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] [ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: SpaceXTrack CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_space_diffs.min_xtrack
    • _FillValue: -9999
input_bb_counts_min[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_counts.min
input_bb_counts_max[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_counts.max
input_bb_counts_mean[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_counts.mean
input_bb_counts_dev[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name:
input_bb_counts_num_in[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_counts.num_in
input_bb_counts_num_lo[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_counts.num_lo
input_bb_counts_num_hi[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_counts.num_hi
input_bb_counts_num_bad[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_counts.num_bad
input_bb_counts_range_min[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_counts.range_min
input_bb_counts_range_max[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_counts.range_max
input_bb_counts_missing[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_counts.missing
input_bb_counts_max_track[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_counts.max_track
input_bb_counts_max_xtrack[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_counts.max_xtrack
input_bb_counts_min_track[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_counts.min_track
input_bb_counts_min_xtrack[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_counts.min_xtrack
input_bb_signals_min[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_signals.min
input_bb_signals_max[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_signals.max
input_bb_signals_mean[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_signals.mean
input_bb_signals_dev[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name:
input_bb_signals_num_in[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_signals.num_in
input_bb_signals_num_lo[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_signals.num_lo
input_bb_signals_num_hi[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_signals.num_hi
input_bb_signals_num_bad[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_signals.num_bad
input_bb_signals_range_min[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_signals.range_min
input_bb_signals_range_max[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_signals.range_max
input_bb_signals_missing[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_signals.missing
input_bb_signals_max_track[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_signals.max_track
input_bb_signals_max_xtrack[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_signals.max_xtrack
input_bb_signals_min_track[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_signals.min_track
input_bb_signals_min_xtrack[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_bb_signals.min_xtrack
input_spec_counts_min[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_spec_counts.min
input_spec_counts_max[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_spec_counts.max
input_spec_counts_mean[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_spec_counts.mean
input_spec_counts_dev[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name:
input_spec_counts_num_in[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_spec_counts.num_in
input_spec_counts_num_lo[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_spec_counts.num_lo
input_spec_counts_num_hi[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_spec_counts.num_hi
input_spec_counts_num_bad[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_spec_counts.num_bad
input_spec_counts_range_min[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_spec_counts.range_min
input_spec_counts_range_max[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_spec_counts.range_max
input_spec_counts_missing[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_spec_counts.missing
input_spec_counts_max_track[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_spec_counts.max_track
input_spec_counts_max_xtrack[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_spec_counts.max_xtrack
input_spec_counts_min_track[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_spec_counts.min_track
input_spec_counts_min_xtrack[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: input_spec_counts.min_xtrack
spaceview_selection[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: spaceview_selection
offset_stats_min[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: offset_stats.min
offset_stats_max[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: offset_stats.max
offset_stats_mean[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: offset_stats.mean
offset_stats_dev[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name:
offset_stats_num[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: offset_stats.num
offset_stats_num_bad[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: offset_stats.num_bad
offset_stats_max_track[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: offset_stats.max_track
offset_stats_max_xtrack[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: offset_stats.max_xtrack
offset_stats_min_track[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: offset_stats.min_track
offset_stats_min_xtrack[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: offset_stats.min_xtrack
gain_stats_min[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: gain_stats.min
gain_stats_max[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: gain_stats.max
gain_stats_mean[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: gain_stats.mean
gain_stats_dev[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name:
gain_stats_num[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: gain_stats.num
gain_stats_num_bad[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: gain_stats.num_bad
gain_stats_max_track[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: gain_stats.max_track
gain_stats_max_xtrack[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: gain_stats.max_xtrack
gain_stats_min_track[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: gain_stats.min_track
gain_stats_min_xtrack[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: gain_stats.min_xtrack
rad_stats_min[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: rad_stats.min
rad_stats_max[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: rad_stats.max
rad_stats_mean[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: rad_stats.mean
rad_stats_dev[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name:
rad_stats_num[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: rad_stats.num
rad_stats_num_bad[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: rad_stats.num_bad
rad_stats_max_track[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: rad_stats.max_track
rad_stats_max_xtrack[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: rad_stats.max_xtrack
rad_stats_min_track[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: rad_stats.min_track
rad_stats_min_xtrack[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: rad_stats.min_xtrack
Gain[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: Gain
RefChannels[ MaxRefChannel= 0 ..99] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: RefChannels
rad_scan_stats_min[ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] [ MaxRefChannel= 0 ..99] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Longitude RefChannels
    • long_name: rad_scan_stats.min
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
rad_scan_stats_max[ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] [ MaxRefChannel= 0 ..99] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Longitude RefChannels
    • long_name: rad_scan_stats.max
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
rad_scan_stats_mean[ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] [ MaxRefChannel= 0 ..99] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Longitude RefChannels
    • long_name: rad_scan_stats.mean
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
rad_scan_stats_dev[ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] [ MaxRefChannel= 0 ..99] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Longitude RefChannels
    • long_name:
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
rad_scan_stats_num[ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] [ MaxRefChannel= 0 ..99] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Longitude RefChannels
    • long_name: rad_scan_stats.num
    • _FillValue: -9999
rad_scan_stats_num_bad[ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] [ MaxRefChannel= 0 ..99] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Longitude RefChannels
    • long_name: rad_scan_stats.num_bad
    • _FillValue: -9999
rad_scan_stats_max_track[ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] [ MaxRefChannel= 0 ..99] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Longitude RefChannels
    • long_name: rad_scan_stats.max_track
    • _FillValue: -9999
rad_scan_stats_max_xtrack[ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] [ MaxRefChannel= 0 ..99] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Longitude RefChannels
    • long_name: rad_scan_stats.max_xtrack
    • _FillValue: -9999
rad_scan_stats_min_track[ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] [ MaxRefChannel= 0 ..99] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Longitude RefChannels
    • long_name: rad_scan_stats.min_track
    • _FillValue: -9999
rad_scan_stats_min_xtrack[ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] [ MaxRefChannel= 0 ..99] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Longitude RefChannels
    • long_name: rad_scan_stats.min_xtrack
    • _FillValue: -9999
Rdiff_swindow[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: Rdiff_swindow
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
Rdiff_lwindow[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: Rdiff_lwindow
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
SceneInhomogeneous[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: SceneInhomogeneous
    • _FillValue: 255
dust_flag[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: dust_flag
    • _FillValue: -9999
dust_score[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: dust_score
    • _FillValue: -9999
spectral_clear_indicator[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: spectral_clear_indicator
    • _FillValue: -9999
BT_diff_SO2[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: BT_diff_SO2
    • _FillValue: -9999.000000
OpMode[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: OpMode
EDCBOARD[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude
    • long_name: EDCBOARD
nominal_freq[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: nominal_freq
spectral_freq[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: spectral_freq
spectral_freq_unc[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: spectral_freq_unc
spec_feature_shifts_upwell[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
spec_feature_corr_upwell[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_corr_upwell
spec_feature_sharp_upwell[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_sharp_upwell
spec_feature_resid_upwell[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_resid_upwell
spec_feature_contrast_stats_min[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_contrast_stats.min
spec_feature_contrast_stats_max[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_contrast_stats.max
spec_feature_contrast_stats_mean[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_contrast_stats.mean
spec_feature_contrast_stats_dev[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name:
spec_feature_contrast_stats_num_in[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_contrast_stats.num_in
spec_feature_contrast_stats_num_lo[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_contrast_stats.num_lo
spec_feature_contrast_stats_num_hi[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_contrast_stats.num_hi
spec_feature_contrast_stats_num_bad[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_contrast_stats.num_bad
spec_feature_contrast_stats_range_min[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_contrast_stats.range_min
spec_feature_contrast_stats_range_max[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_contrast_stats.range_max
spec_feature_contrast_stats_missing[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_contrast_stats.missing
spec_feature_contrast_stats_max_track[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_contrast_stats.max_track
spec_feature_contrast_stats_max_xtrack[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_contrast_stats.max_xtrack
spec_feature_contrast_stats_min_track[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_contrast_stats.min_track
spec_feature_contrast_stats_min_xtrack[ MaxFeaturesUpwell= 0 ..34] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_upwell
    • long_name: spec_feature_contrast_stats.min_xtrack
spec_feature_shifts_pary[ MaxFeaturesPary= 0 ..16] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: spec_feature_shifts_pary
spec_feature_corr_pary[ MaxFeaturesPary= 0 ..16] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_pary
    • long_name: spec_feature_corr_pary
spec_feature_sharp_pary[ MaxFeaturesPary= 0 ..16] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_pary
    • long_name: spec_feature_sharp_pary
spec_feature_resid_pary[ MaxFeaturesPary= 0 ..16] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: spec_feature_shifts_pary
    • long_name: spec_feature_resid_pary
ave_pary_spectrum[ Channel= 0 ..2377] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: CalChanSummary
    • long_name: ave_pary_spectrum
Latitude[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • units: degrees_north
    • long_name: Latitude
    • _FillValue: -9999.0000000000000
Longitude[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • units: degrees_east
    • long_name: Longitude
    • _FillValue: -9999.0000000000000
Time[ GeoTrack= 0 ..134] [ GeoXTrack= 0 ..89] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude
    • long_name: Time
    • _FillValue: -9999.0000000000000
CalXTrack[ CalXTrack= 0 ..5] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • units: level
    • long_name: CalXTrack(fake)
SpaceXTrack[ SpaceXTrack= 0 ..3] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • units: level
    • long_name: SpaceXTrack(fake)
BBXTrack[ BBXTrack= 0 ..0] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • units: level
    • long_name: BBXTrack(fake)

Hyrax development sponsored by NSF, NASA, and NOAA

OPeNDAP Hyrax (1.16.3)
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